DO More

Pursuing a passion is something that, maybe 5 or 6 years ago, I would have probably talked myself out of. I was never the outgoing type. I never really saw myself doing much or going anywhere. Where was there to go really when you're stuck in a small Welsh town that you're not brave enough to escape. I'd always been interested in the more creative side of life, whether it be drawing, or make up, or fashion. I'd doodle and keep scrapbooks and essentially keep myself to myself. When I started my blog I never really shared it with anyone I actually knew. I didn't think they would take me seriously, or even be remotely interested what I was doing (or attempting to do).

I never saw myself as working towards anything at first. To me it was a hobby, a place for me to keep my creative side alight whilst trying to work an office job. No one was going to read it. No one would be interested in me.

When I look back now at how far I've come, I feel so accomplished. Proud. Shocked. I still think to myself sometimes, you shouldn't be here. But as I sat enjoying the most beautiful afternoon tea with PANDORA this weekend, I really started to think about just how far I had come in all this. I started to think that finally I did deserve to be somewhere. I sat in a room filled with supportive mothers, friends, family. I spoke to a wonderful fellow blogger, a mother of 3 beautiful girls who also spent her time between 3 cities, standing there absolutely in awe of how inspiring she was. I met another amazing mum who I had seen the previous week at a photo shoot with her gorgeous baby looking effortlessly beautiful and making motherhood look way too easy and glam (how did she do it?!). I met another blogger who introduced me to her mum, the blog photographer, and we laughed in acknowledgement; I'm sure every blogger mum has been there done that. But it made me think that we all wouldn’t be where we are today without our mothers.

Seeing these other bloggers succeeding in every way makes me feel so proud, so honoured to be here spending time with these amazing people, meeting new friends and celebrating these amazing accomplishments. I realised how far I had come personally, going from a shy introvert to travelling across country, attending these events and meetings, pushing myself further every time. And for someone with anxiety, that's a big deal. And I finally feel like I am deserving of all this. I mean, I work hard. I've worked hard to be where I am, I've gotten to where I am now in my blog career also working a separate full time career elsewhere. I've started from the bottom and even though I do have a long way to go yet, the confidence and life I've gained is almost my best accomplishment yet.

And this is exactly what I feel PANDORA’s DO campaign is all about and this is why it's so important. It's not about trying to be the best for someone else, it's about being the best you, for you. Being here, being totally spoilt by this amazing company, made me really realise that we would be no where without these amazing and empowering women in our lives, especially our mothers. They give us confidence, they give us support. Advice when we need it. Lectures when we need it (or when we don't). I would have no blog without my mum (certainly no photo's anyway). And being involved in this campaign has made me realise what Mother's Day is all about. It's not just about gift giving. It's about acknowledgement. But that doesn't mean that we can't still spoil them. So what better way to treat our mums than with a brand that is so focussed on celebrating women and what we do. Each piece of PANODRA jewellery represents sentimental value for each person individually. I gifted my mum the PANDORA Locket Necklace and Moments Loving Heart Clasp silver bangle, engraved with 'You are so loved', which I felt was the perfect Mother’s Day sentiment. And I don't think she's taken them off since! Now that's a gift goal.

*This post was created in collaboration with PANDORA

1 comment

  1. What a sweet post - you should definitely be proud of how far you have come! I can relate as I come from a tiny, industrial town in the Midlands and feel like I have done well for myself now living and working in London! Steph x


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