Blue Jean Baby

Shirt - H&M  Jeggings - ASOS *  Bag - Zara  Heels - Topshop  Necklace - Love Silver*

I've never really been one for Jeggings. They always seemed like a bit of a lazy girls way of wearing skinny jeans to me. However, when I saw these were 'sculpt me' Jeggings, I was intrigued. Us girls always need/want a bit of sculpting, so I thought I would give these a go. And I love them! They are definitely more Jeans than Leggings, but just extra tight and stretchy. Plus, the blue colour is fab too and so on trend with the 70's look right now.

I pared these Jeggings with a laid back, pyjama vibe shirt from H&M's Trend section, my favourite place to shop at the moment, and a tassel clutch from Zara for some extra boho vibes. I for one am LOVING 70's at the moment, it's just perfect for summer and this rather nice weather we have been having too!


  1. I love to wear Jeggings, they go with so much!

  2. I love this top, I have the pants to match. I like your style and your blog is fab. Please take a look at mine relatively new to the blogging world, if you have any tips 😊 x

  3. sorry. Thank you :)

  4. Absolutely love your shirt. The bold patterning really looks great on you. And those shoes are just gorgeous x


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